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Affiliate Disclosure

This website that you are currently browsing through uses an affiliate program for monetization. Which means when you click on links at various sites that I recommend in my page or post and make a purchase, and this can result in the commission is credited to my site.

Some of the affiliate programs include,,, and more.

I am only recommending products in my site that I use or thoroughly done the research and my income is gradually increasing as an affiliate marketer, so my credibility online means everything to me.

A lot of people who visited my website for advice, help, and support. Therefore I am taking my responsibility as an affiliate very seriously.

Sponsor Ads and Third-Party Resources

Images ads with text that appear on this website are third party (Google AdSense) and sponsor advertisement. Therefore, I do not personally endorse the products and services in the advertisement. Those companies are not affiliated with this website.

If you have any questions pertaining to affiliations on my website, please don't hesitate to contact me. For clarification purposes, I'll be more than happy to assist you or provide you additional details if necessary. 
