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Children's Coloring Books: The First Step to Recognize Alphabet A to Z and Colors

Every month thousands of children's books are published around the world.

The children's books are offered everywhere in the children's corner in bookshops with a wide range of varieties from new to old favorites, illustrated by some of the best illustrators available. Presently with the technological age where children's books can be easily purchased electronically and are made available instantly. This has opened up a new avenue for the children's book illustrator and author alike. Rarely do you find remarkable pictures with a relative alphabet or letters that can help to boost the kids learning ability to recognize the words?

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I have an opportunity to ask one of my friends who is an English Teacher why she chooses or preferred a book with a very little text, or a book that offers a very short and seemingly unchallenging story. Her answer to this question is quite simple. Children learn through pictures. Young children soon pick up the short text of a picture book, if it is shared with an adult who brings the illustrations on the pages to life. Children can then develop their own sense of the world through the pictures and relate short stories to their own rather big experiences.

Children at a very young age speak in narrative style so it is easy for them to pick up the letter of the short story which uses it in everyday language. It is also through their own imagination to figure out the experiences that they define themselves. This will help them to be able to express their ideas, emotions, and hopes in language and in drawing as well. 

 ABC Alphabet Coloring Book

I recently popped over to Amazon and found an ideal book for children who are just beginning to speak. After gaining some ideas, I had decided to create my own children coloring books with some illustration of alphabet A to Z. With this book, kids can become familiar with colors and the English alphabet letters in order. It is ideal for young children who are learning how to write and properly proportion letters. It may also be useful for older children who have delays with identifying and handwriting alphabet.

Sharing coloring books with your child is not only about developing your child's coloring ability; it is also about giving your children a wider outlook on recognizing the words from A to Z, sketching, and writing. It is the ideal path for your kids to take in every one of the letters from A to Z. Kids will learn best while having fun while nurturing their learning skills at their earliest stage to reflect different children's interests or school subjects that build fundamental concepts like reading and recognize alphabets through coloring.

We also creating shapes and patterns coloring book for kids to understand various shapes. 

I highly recommend these books as a source of early learning. These coloring books are available at both and


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